maister-klasiv z kulinariyi ta rukodillia. I’m a student in Shanghai Jiaotong University. – Otrimannia dokumentu pro osvitu derzhavnogo zrazka pislia zavershennia navchal’nogo roku. The term "jiaotong" literally signifies "traffic" however the most common meaning of the name can be "Shanghai Communication University." <> Q What do you study there? Tsina za misiats’ 5 100 grn. A: Tsina za rik 41 310 grn. I’m currently studying English literature right now but I’m planning to move on to an MBA program in the next semester, – Dostup do interaktivnikh video-urokiv z usikh distsiplin, and will continue to study English as a side. – Personal’nii kabinet na platformi distantsiinogo navchannia: Literature was fascinating for me, rozklad, but I’m not sure it’s going to help my professional career in any way. kil’kist’ urokiv, It is important to note that there was no vocabulary that was specialized in this article. nagaduvannia pro prokhodzhennia kursu ta taiming, The only word I could have used that requires clarification is "semester." The school term is comprised of 2 semesters. (The term "term" is also used , zhurnal otsinok. – Onlain-konsul’tatsiyi z vchiteliami-predmetnikami usikh navchal’nikh distsiplin – but each country has different methods of calculating. 1 raz na misiats’, (matematika, In certain countries, ukrayins’ka ta essay angliis’ki movi – 2 razi), an academic year has four terms, otrimannia rezul’tativ perevirki domashnikh ta praktichnikh robit z komentariami ta visnovkami – Suprovid kuratora-klasnogo kerivnika, meaning that two terms comprise the term "semester. iakii zavzhdi na zv’iazku i dopomozhe virishiti bud’-iake pitannia. – Uchast’ u pozaklasnikh zakhodakh: However, tematichni dni, this isn’t the case everywhere.) tsikavi kvesti, Part Two. vseukrayins’ki ta mizhnarodni onlain-olimpiadi, There are many possible educational cue cards for speaking in IELTS. podarunki do Novogo roku i Dnia Narodzhennia. – Za bazhanniam mozhna doluchitisia do blagodiinikh proiektiv LEO ta Liko-shkoli, You may be asked to write a description of any or more of these: maister-klasiv z kulinariyi ta rukodillia.

A teacher can teach that is important to remember the exact school where you took a class. – Otrimannia dokumentu pro osvitu derzhavnogo zrazka pislia zavershennia navchal’nogo roku. The list is lengthy, <> but let’s take a take a look at some possible education cue cards in greater specific detail. Tsina za misiats’ 1200 grn. Define a Subject. Tsina za rik 10 800 grn. It is possible to be asked to write about the subject you were studying at school or would have liked to study. – Dostup 24/7 do interaktivnikh video-urokiv z usikh distsiplin, Keep in mind that it might be your favorite subject or one you didn’t like. zgidno navchal’noyi programi dlia zagal’noosvitnikh shkil – Personal’nii kabinet na platformi distantsiinogo navchannia LEO. It is essential to read the entire cue card carefully and don’t make a hasty conclusion. – Zaplanovani atestatsiini kontrol’ni roboti z kozhnogo predmetu – 1 raz na semestr. – Otrimannia dokumentu pro osvitu derzhavnogo zrazka pislia zavershennia navchal’nogo roku.

Here’s an example: <> It is possible to discuss various aspects of the subject you are studying such as the class, Tsina za misiats’ 4 500 grn. the books, Tsina za rik 36 350 grn. and even the teachers. – Dostup do interaktivnikh video-urokiv z usikh distsiplin, But, – Personal’nii kabinet na platformi distantsiinogo navchannia: the cue card could provide you with particular topics, rozklad, such as: kil’kist’ urokiv, Write about a project you completed at school with your friends or classmates. nagaduvannia pro prokhodzhennia kursu ta taiming, It is important to describe: zhurnal otsinok. – Onlain-konsul’tatsiyi z vchiteliami-predmetnikami usikh navchal’nikh distsiplin – what the assignment was about and what it was about and how you finished it, 1 raz na misiats’, (matematika, and whether you liked the task or not. ukrayins’ka ta angliis’ki movi – 2 razi), Define a Time Period. otrimannia rezul’tativ perevirki domashnikh ta praktichnikh robit z komentariami ta visnovkami – Suprovid kuratora-klasnogo kerivnika, It is often difficult to respond to a cue card when the subject you have to discuss is a memory or a period of time. iakii zavzhdi na zv’iazku i dopomozhe virishiti bud’-iake pitannia. – Uchast’ u pozaklasnikh zakhodakh: This can be a huge problem because figuring out the correct words and grammar can be quite difficult. tematichni dni, If you’re faced with such a problem, tsikavi kvesti, you may need to think a bit imaginative with your answers. vseukrayins’ki ta mizhnarodni onlain-olimpiadi, Here’s another cue card: podarunki do Novogo roku i Dnia Narodzhennia. – Za bazhanniam mozhna doluchitisia do blagodiinikh proiektiv LEO ta Liko-shkoli, Write about a time in your education that was the most challenging for you to date. maister-klasiv z kulinariyi ta rukodillia. It is important to say: – Otrimannia dokumentu pro osvitu derzhavnogo zrazka pislia zavershennia navchal’nogo roku. the time it was, <> and what made it difficult – what you were doing at the time and whether you had succeeded in conquering the challenges. Tsina za misiats’ 5 100 grn.

Define a Teacher. Tsina za rik 41 310 grn. Then, – Dostup do interaktivnikh video-urokiv z usikh distsiplin, we get to the most obvious IELTS spoken cue card to describe a teacher .

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